A Tribute To The Darkest Days Behind

The P.A.N.E.M, circa 2158. 

Official Name: Pan American National Economic Movement or PANEM for short. P.A.N.E.M has fallen out of use. 

National Anthem: Horn of Plenty

Motto(s): “Panem et Circenses”,  “Panem Today, Panem Tomorrow, Panem Forever.”, “Love your labor, take pride in your task.” 

Population: 30,961,374 

Capital: The Capitol

Official Languages: English, Spanish (Snow Island/ District 10/4.)

Religion: Officially a secular state. Although traditional beliefs with heavy Christian undertones within the Districts are not unheard of.  Many in the Capitol also follow Christianity, albeit privately.  Other religions are in very small minority.

Holidays are warped to fit Panem’s propaganda machine. Sure, citizens do celebrate Christmas, although only a handful of people throughout the nation know the true meanings of said holidays. 

Currency: Panemian Dollar (PND) or (PD) 

Demonym:  Panemian 



Flag of the Fourth Panemian Republic (Current)









Image result for Flag of panem
Flag of the Third Panemian Republic

The Pan American National Economic Movement or PANEM, is a conglomerate styled autocracy with fascist undertones. It’s neither Far-Right or Far-Left, it rather takes from both sides of the spectrum promoting collectivism for the nation as a whole, then rampant hedonism for the Capitol. “Rules for thee not for me”.    


Flag of the First and Second Panemian Republic



The nation was said to be first formed in 2019, following a prolonged nuclear war in which the majority of the world felt its wrath. People emerged from the nuclear ash only to fight for what was left of an already razed land devoid of resources. Following the war, landmasses changed drastically, most likely due to melting ice caps flooding over coastal areas. The remnants of the American and Canadian government, alongside a minority of Mexican officials managed to unite their countrymen under one banner, thus the name PANEM. Rouge regions were annexed and placed under one banner, 13 Districts ringed by a Capitol.

Panem lived under decades of prosperity until war scarred the nation again.

In the year 2055, Districts 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10, 11 and 12 along with 13 rebelled against the Capitols rule, upset with under-representation, lowly wages and poverty, along with the preferential treatment of Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Although these Districts were preferred, members of the Districts still rebelled the same.

Neighbours turned on neighbours, and the civil war waged on for eight years until the Capitol presumably nuked District 13 to the ground. The other Districts submitted to Capitol rule.

And so came the Hunger Games. Forged under the Treaty of Treason, the Districts are to offer up 12 boys and girls, in a bloodsport of courage, honor and glory. This went on for 74 years.

74 years of oppression and despair.

The hearts of the people of Panem lit up with hope again, as youngsters from District 12, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark threatened suicide over playing the Capitol’s game. This front against the regime gave people a sense of hope again, as people began to speak out against the government and their oppressive agendas.

By the 75th Hunger Games, Panem was on the brink of civil war once again. Little did President Snow know that his Head Gamemaker, Plutarch Heavensbee was a rebel after all, organizing the arenas destruction and the rescue operation of the remaining Victors as they fled to District 13. By this time, widespread rioting and unrest had scorched the nation as Peacekeepers struggled to quell the masses, not trained to deal with such overwhelming circumstances.

With this begun the Second Rebellion (2140-2145). 

Between the 2140-2141 year, the war was cold. The only major offensive was the bombing of District 12 by Air Force units in an attempt to demean Everdeen. Regardless, the rebels still seemed unified in their hope for a better future, as unrest continued to envelop District after District.

The Capitol was losing.

Sometime in the year 2141, while having lunch with colleagues, prominent Capitolite Gideon Montresor angrily reprimanded the government for their lax handling of the unrest, while thoughtfully explaining how to deal with the threat from point A, B to C. (Gideon is a man who hates work with leisure…). 

Not even two hours later, Montresor was summoned to the President’s Office and appointed Deputy National Security Advisor (A position he didn’t even want.). 

Gideon’s plan, which involved mass pacification by means of “Shock and Awe”, lightning quick “Blitzkrieg” tactics and zero regard for morality was called Operation: KALEIDOSCOPE”.  Gideon would collaborate with military generals as each District was cordoned off and captured with extreme force.

Urban centers were bombed, specific muttations were sent to each District to raze their specific trade, rebel strongholds were crushed by overwhelming counter offensives, courtesy of our brave men and women in white.

One by one, each and every District was subject to its own specific poison. Mutant locusts were rained upon Districts 9 and 11. Rebels in 7 were torn apart by man-sized arachnid type muttations . . . The streets District 6 were often subject to chemical gassing, as troops moved in and mowed down those disoriented by the fumes.

Call it merciless, immoral if you will, but what had to be done had to be done.

By January 2145, each District had been successfully pacified, leaving District 13 the last remaining stronghold. It took two months to secure the ground above the underground bunker that housed rebel leadership. As soon as the surface was clear, Gideon advised Snow and his generals to go ahead.

By March, Peacekeepers would move into the underground facility that housed the last of Rebel Leadership. Every nook and cranny was cleared by bloody close quarter gun battles and hand to hand combat. The use of wolf muttations and chlorine gas were also pivotal in the clearing of 13. By mid April, the rest of the Rebel Leadership had surrendered. Behind closed doors, 13’s President Coin and close yes men wagered a deal which involved her leaving the country for the United Kingdom in exile.

This counter offensive hailed Gideon as a national hero, although he insists he was just doing his job.

The nation of Panem was quiet April 15th, 2145. In fact, the Ministry of Information stated that the 15th was the rainiest day of the year. 20 millimeters dropped per hour.

Town squares filled via gunpoint to watch as Katniss Everdeen, Finnick Odair, Haymitch Abernathy, Beetee Latier among other Rebel commanders and sympathizers were lined up in city square in front of a triumphant President Snow. After a few remarks, Snow gave the go ahead to spray down the assailants in a hail of gunfire. This struck true fear into the hearts of millions, knowing that any form of rebellion is truly up in smoke.

By the year 2147 (77th Year) Snow could pass easy, knowing that Panem was secure and will continue to strive.

And now, in the year 2163, we continue to carry President Snow’s work for a better, unified Panem.

Panem Today. Panem Tomorrow. Panem Forever. 


****All assets you see on this website are not mine! These are lifted from various resources across the inter-webs including Google Images, Panempropaganda.com . I wish I owned these images but alas I do not. :(.

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