District 10

Population: 1,013,000

Administrative Center: Roswell 

Other significant centers: Fort Stockton, Midland, 

Wide open ranges, untapped terrain . . . District 10 serves as Panem’s chief livestock processor. Everything from the sweet pheasant, to the juicy, beef brisket we indulge in comes straight from the pastures of District 10!

The farmhands of 10 are constantly working to research and develop the best alternatives when it comes to growing livestock, to ensure 10 produces enough quantity to satisfy Panem’s ever growing population.

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Besides the rearing of livestock to aid supplementing Panem’s food supply, District 10 also aides in manufacturing and exporting various goods such as honey, textiles and research and development. Nothing goes to waste here in District 10.

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Socially, things are pleasant but strained. District 10 houses a significant population of Native peoples – specifically the ‘Navajo’. Natives usually live in segregated communities away from significant hubs. Due to their predominantly rebellious nature, both the Capitol and the citizens of District 10 tend to look down upon them.  Just like the media before Panem, the natives are portrayed as savages and criminals.

Like District 11, Black Panemians and White Panemians integrating is looked down upon by most…but it doesn’t stop many from doing so anyway.

The wealth gap, like in most Districts, is quite significant. Persons involved in services and companies tend to live in the urban centres, while the farmhands are relegated to villages in the outskirts.




Just like the uneasy terrain 10 yields, the citizens of this district are known for their rowdy and “tangy” accents, as well as their wholesome and down to earth sense of community nonetheless.









Some jobs include (But are not limited to…):

  • Farmhand
  • Rancher
  • Hunter
  • Butcher

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