District 12

Population: 130,000



Hmm . . . District 12, home of the infamous Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark.

Since the Second Rebellion has ended, things have improved, mostly due to the efforts of President Kane in an attempt to ‘pacify’ the District populations.

Following the carpet bombing that tore the small district asunder. Since the surrendering of 13’s population and the return of the district’s remnants to pursue construction efforts, things have improved in terms of a working center of governance and resource administration. Gone are the shacks and in with a sizable village with the amenities needed to function.

Image result for boone north carolina

Things will take time for the quality of life to improve, and the Capitol agrees wholeheartedly that they could care less. The federal government is keen to remind the population of their past failures to topple the nation.

The Peacekeepers are rough and life is even rougher for many in the District. 

Regardless of the people and its condition, District 12 is well known for its surrounding beauty as well as its untapped abundance of coal. Mining is indeed a key component of District 12’s minuscule economy, alongside the small trade of medicine, research/development and tourism due to the surrounding Appalachian mountains.


In an attempt to lessen the impoverished lifestyle of those who live here, President Kane lowered the age of working in the local coal mines to the age of 15, although those under the age of 18 may only work twice out of the week, ensuring schooling as their number one priority (again, to the dismay of staunch Capitol conservatives.).

Some jobs include, but are not limited to:

  • Coal Miner
  • Surveyor
  • Geologist
  • Shop keeping
    District Administrator

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