District 9

Population: 1,990,845 

Administrative Center: Duluth 

Other significant center: Fargo, Bismarck, Brookings, Aberdeen 

Commonly known alongside District 11 as Panem’s “Bread Basket” and “Greenbelt”,  the steady and daunting task of producing the grains that keep our glorious nation healthy and strong goes to our ninth district. Following the catastrophic unrest that rocked our land, the government of the day assigned this region the task of grain cultivation.

The year is now 2163 and the citizens of District 9 continue to strive!

Rye, bulgur, rice, barley, farro! Waves upon waves of golden stalks surround each of 9’s designated urban centers. The citizens of District 9 also tamper with wine production and house multiple ICBM (Inter-continental Ballistic Missile) silos spread across its western corridor. It was in the west of the District 9 where the bulk of the Second Rebellion was fought, the defence of key towns such as Fargo and Bismarck were essential in securing our nuclear payloads.

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Duluth, District Nine’s Capital city. 
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Fargo, District Nine.







Due to the necessity of 9’s trade, Operation: KALEIDOSCOPE  only involved the pacification of District 9 by the excessive use of Peacekeepers in heavy urban combat, alongside the razing of markets, produce and residential sectors with hand held flamethrowers.

As of now, life is decent in District 9, not the best by any means . . . Just decent. Decent enough for some to get by.

Energy is a growing industry in District 9 following the Second Rebellion. Power grids are being built to alleviate District 5’s capital on the industry and to further distribute energy to District 9’s rural communities. Fuel mining is also a growing industry, oil being used to power Panem’s military apparatus among other things.

Airmen of Panem’s Air Force are often recruited here as well, as youths are trained to fly planes for crop dusting.

Those in high-ranking positions within these industries typically live in the cities as those who continue to make their money by providing for 9’s main industry continue to live in rural communities. Like many populous districts, reapings are first conducted on a preliminary basis, with those that have higher percentiles being ordered to Duluth for a final reaping.

Some jobs include (But are not limited to…):

  • Harvester
  • Sorter
  • Farm Administrator

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