District 4

Population: 1,114,000 

Administrative Center: Monterrey

Best described as Snow Island’s older brother, District 4’s citizens continue to harvest the sea of its fruits, ensuring they arrive right onto our dinner tables!

Having miles upon miles of untapped coastline and natural beauty, not only does it attract thousands of Capitolites, but hundreds upon thousands of dollars of real estate. Seaside summer estates among District 4 and other outer territories are quickly on the rise. Unfortunately, District 4 is heavily prone to tropical storms, prompting citizens to have second residences inland to avoid loss of life and or monetary value. The District’s boundaries vary from season to season. 

Home to the Panemian Grand Pacific Fleet, District 4 provides our nation a gateway and a staging point for our navy to explore the remnants of the Grand Pacific Islands.

Recently, post Second Rebellion, Panem has acquired the remnants of:

-The Federated States of Micronesia



These islands serve as “Territories” as they are not permanently inhabited by citizens of Panem, but serve as outposts for our Navy and Air Force. Capitolites are only cleared to use these islands as vacation areas, although this is limited.

In terms of the Hunger Games, District 4 is lower tier compared to Districts 1 and 2. Games have transpired in which Snow Islanders were taken in over District 4 tributes. As of now, District 4 doesn’t have a stable headquarters for the training of volunteers. Career training is often done on the western islands in decent sized camps. “Semi-Careers” are the best word to describe trainees from this District.

After the Second Rebellion, the region has fallen out of grace with the Capitol. Its naval academy used to train its youth for military service was ‘upped’ for young adults only, rendering reaping age children to fend for themselves.

All in all, the citizens of this district are as mellow as the evening waves, other than Snow Islanders, the citizens of 4 can swim like the fruits of the sea themselves. They enjoy a comfortable living with decent wages, outing activities and education.

For most, life is good…Mind the rumblings of rebellion and other anti-Capitol sentiments in taverns and shipping yards across the district.

Some jobs include (But are not limited to…):

  • Fisherman
  • Resort staff
  • Shipping administrator
  • Shipping captain
  • Naval Officer


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