District 3

Population: 587,000 

Administrative center: Salem (300,110)

Other significant centers: Silverton, Amino Springs, Portland 


Indeed, the nation of Panem wouldn’t be tech empire it is today without District 3’s ingenious citizens and their sharp minds!



As stated above, District 3 is tasked with the research and development towards technology, be it electrical equipment, weaponry, appliances, entertainment and many more. Most if not all the District is industrial parks, with the southeast portion of the District being forestry.

The grand majority of District Three dwellers live within the administrative center of Salem, the epicenter of central business and processing for the District. The other small towns of Silverton, Portland and Amino Springs are known for holding the families of big business tycoons and government officials. If anything the District’s policies lie within the hands of big business. Anything you can think of (housing, wages, etc.) are a political football between executives.

Having a direct ties to the Capitol in terms of political and technological investment, there are many programs in which District 3 denizens are vigorously trained in different scientific fields.

Some jobs include (But are not limited to…):

  • Inventor
  • Business executive
  • Scientist
  • Engineer
  • Assembly hand
  • Assembly administrator


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