District 2

Population: 905,000

Administrative center: Acropolis (Colorado Springs)  (810,000)

Other significant population centers: Numeral-designated Villages 

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An example of current Panemian architecture, taking heavy cues from the mid-21st Century.



District 2, home for Panem’s military industrial complex. Its here where the bulk of Panem’s military command and Capitolite-controlled civilian defence department is situated.

Mainly based in Colorado Springs, everything from the launching of ICBM’s (Nuclear Missiles) to the operational command and control of Panem’s Peacekeepers, Air Force and Navy are regulated here. The Cheyenne Mountain Complex, AKA “The Nut” also acts as a continuity of government bunker, having a secret transfer tunnel from the Capitol to District 2, acting as a wartime headquarters for the President and their cabinet. Aside from The Nut, dozens other military installations operate within 2’s vast landmass, such as Corbulo Academy for Military Arts for example. 

District 2’s booming military capabilities are beginning to shun out its lengthy past in masonry. Although the region constantly contributes to Panem’s revived infrastructure initiatives.

90% of District 2 citizens reside in the central region of the District, surrounding The Nut. These city dwellers are fanatically loyal to the Capitol and Panem as a whole. The blacksmiths, stone cutters, miners…not so much. The wealth gap between the larger towns and villages is significant.

The Hunger Games have been perceived as a prideful blood sport in Two for generations. Housing the Hunger Games’ first ever Victor, its not common to find more than two victors in a Games decade hailing from this District. Courage, glory and honor is something you can’t get enough of in 2. It’s been instilled so well.

Acropolis in the evening.

Children here are often selected to enroll at Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo Academy of Military Arts (Corbulo Academy) at the tender age of five or six. Orphans are also prime contenders as well. It is here where they are highly trained in no-holds-barred paramilitary tactics and insightful lessons. From ages 9-12, children would already know how to fire a rifle, treat a chest wound and throw a near-perfect knife. Selection for tribute is heavily judged, all ages from 12-18 are considered,although its not unheard of for children under 16 to be selected.

In fact, many of these children would go on to fight as youth soldiers during the Second Rebellion. Careers who volunteered at the time were known to be extremely savage and fanatical in battle.

Some jobs include (But are not limited to…):

  • Peacekeeper (Enlisted, Officer,Academy Instructor/Teacher)
  • Stonemason
  • Surveyor
  • Miner
  • Engineer
  • Architect
  • Corbulo Academy For Military Arts.

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