The Capitol

Population: 2,615,060

Nicknames: “The Crown Jewel”, “The Center Of The Universe”, “The City Of Dreams”

Noticeable Sub-Districts: Entertainment District, Financial District, Elysian Heights, Fashion District, Distillery District 

The Capitol, the largest city in the nation and the capital of Panem, spanning multiple “flyover state” cities amalgamated into one giant city state.

The Capitol serves as the hub of telecommunications, governance, fashion, economics and education among others. Boasting a population of 2.6 million, many Capitolites are unemployed, basking in the investments and fortunes of their forefathers!

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The wealth gap is immense in the Capitol City region, with the upper echelons of Capitolite society living in the city centre and the outer blocks, while the middle class reside in boroughs that when all combined span as large as the American state of Oklahoma. Transportation is quite robust within the region, with an intricate network of trains, buses and highways to shuttle people to and from each sector the Capitol holds.

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On the top of the Capitol ladder is the likes of the politicians. Many Capitolites could trace their lineage to pre-Panem. Families such as the Trump, Carson, Romney, Mulroney, Trudeau, Kennedy/Schlossberg/Schwarzenegger’s and many more have since thrived after relocating to the city after the fall of the United States and Canada. All government ministries such as the Ministry of National Defence, Transportation, Districts’ Affairs are housed here.

This also could be said for the entertainment sector as well, as pre-Panem entertainers, both domestic and foreign (since the war grounded them here) have flocked to the Capitol thus preserving their family line.

As of recent, following the death of President Snow during the time of the 76-77th Hunger Games, the structure of Panem has began to modernize. The decentralization of power has begun, allowing the Districts further self-governance and economy besides their primary purpose.

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All the way from the political tyranny that lead to the First Rebellion to Snow’s death, legislation and the people made it were whipped into a decision via the presiding president’s orders – a dictatorship if you will.

From President Kane to DeWynter, a functional bicameral legislature has been established. The National Assembly of Panem consists of a Senate as the upper house and the Federal Council serves as the lower house of Panem’s legislature. It consists of *Two parties*

Nationalist Party: The Nationalist Party, NP is a ‘big-tent’ party, home to the likes of Coriolanus Snow supporters, centrists, small-conservatives and socialists. This hodgepodge of political ideologies are united in support of:

-Big government
-Stronger military
-Law and order
-Working class

All in all, for the Nationalist Party, the Capitol is central in *all* aspects of Panem’s life. The Districts are the body, while the Capitol is the heart of this body. Some members of this party take that phrase to heart, while more ‘progressive’ members of this party realize that stringent control over every aspect of District life can no longer remain central focus…like it was under that of President Snow.  This isn’t for the reasons of ‘liberalism’ its moreso to keep the population in line with the use of the ‘illusion’ of choice. The establishment runs deep within this party…the military, the bureaucrats, business tycoons, everyone who is a someone within Panem supports the Nationalist party for security reasons.

Liberal Democratic Party: These are the more ‘moderate’ and ‘conservative’.  They support the likes of independent business and leaving the Districts to govern themselves with little Capitol overwatch. Many small time rebels who survived the purges during and after the rebellion have called this party home. They believe in the ideals of Pre-Panem – liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness. If the Capitol lessened their control over their citizens, the more productive Panem would be on a whole. They support benevolence when it comes to leading.

Independent: In Panem, kickbacks and patronage is staple in its politics. Members of big business and close allies of those who hold power are often given senatorial positions as thanks for their backing, Although they are known as ‘Independent’, they are most often whipped and or support the polices of the ruling president.



Panem’s National Assembly Composition. Nationalist Party (Maroon) =  229  Liberal-Democratic Party (Blue)= 118 Delegates Independents= 25 Delegates.


Panem’s Senate Composition. Nationalist (Maroon, 45), Lib Dem (Blue 24), Independent (40).





DeWynter House, home to the now President, Viondra DeWynter.


Some jobs include (But are not limited to…):

  • Federal civil service
    Entertainer (Pop culture, Actor, etc.)
  • Fashion designer/Stylist
  • Federal Minister
  • Municipal government official
The Presidential Mansion, residence of the President of Panem.
  • They are the only citizens allowed to travel throughout the Districts, overseas territories and the Territory of Snow Island. 
  • Prominent District Citizens who show high potential can be admitted a permit to live in the Capitol in order to study a trade among other forms of education.

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