Gideon Montresor

 “Show them the true definition of war and the price it brings. The Rebels are like incessant children, so, punish them like incessant children.”  

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When the election of 2162 concluded, many were surprised but ultimately elated when the Office of the Prime Minister of Panem was reinstated after being dissolved prior to the Dark Days.  They were even more elated when Gideon Montresor reluctantly took the office at President DeWynter’s earnest.

Before all this, he served under Presidents Snow, Fox, Rose, Kane AND DeWynter as their Chief of Staff and policy wonk. How he got here, however, is a story that should be spread far and wide…although Gideon would rather let it settle.

Gideon is a bureaucrat through and through. Following his university education in math and data probability, he served as a low level civil servant, working as a gamemaker in regards to the science division.

Gideon is a man who leaves work at the door. However, during the Second Rebellion while at lunch while talking with colleagues about the impending Capitol defeat Gideon snappishly said:

“Listen Neverson, I’m trying to eat here so I’ll just give you my two cents. Take it as you will. Capitol military officials, pampered at prestigious colleges, have no clue how to fight a war – especially when we’re fighting against a rather determined, angry mob. If you ask me, let District 2 handle the war effort. You know, the people who are just as loyal and determined to and for the Capitol just as the Rebels are for their ‘Mockingjay’? Give the loyalists incentives to remain loyal. Start up militias in the Districts.

Instead of remaining on the defensive and being blindsided like what happened in District 5 and 7, fight like they would fight – with malice and little regard for morality. We have muttations, planes, tanks, why aren’t we using them? District 9? Send locusts to salt their crops. District 7? Douse their forests with napalm. Take a district, cut them off and pound them into submission.

It’s rather simple, a kaleidoscope of death and despair. Show them the true definition of war and the price it brings. The Rebels are like incessant children, so, punish them like incessant children.”

It was with those words he was thrust into the office of President Snow, his brains and ‘detached’ views shaving months and years off the war allowing quick defeat of the Rebels.  During peacetime, he was kept on through the various presidents due to his advice. The security agents codenamed him ‘Oracle‘ because of his sage advice and calm demeanor.

A man who is unaffected by the fame-chasing, power-seeking urges his younger colleagues are affected with, alongside his ‘district-like’ appearance made him the perfect choice for Prime Minister – head of Panem’s government departments second only to DeWynter.

If it weren’t for “down the middle” men like Gideon Montresor at the ears of Panem’s top ranking politicians, the nation would’ve been lost long time ago.