Vi and Pax

Vi Glassman and Pax Westbrook  . . . 

“Vi and I are many things . . . what are we Vi? Other than mascots for the very thing we devised almost a century ago. ”

“Hmmm, well, to get started I suppose you and I are a state of the art, self-aware artificial intelligence system, tasked with aiding the Head Gamemaker with the overall administration of the arena. ”

“Yes, that sounds like a fine explanation. A part of me can only feel violated, being devised from my brain tissue without my full consent . . . yet the other half commends the scientists of the day for devising such technology.”

“Well, partially, we did have blueprints for this very system, Pax. If we had more parameters to work with, I believe we would’ve made much more groundwork.”


“Regardless, Pax and I are a breakthrough in modern science. We are capable of not only being taught information, but fully able to comprehend and learn from our surroundings, on top of what we knew when we were among the living!”

“- And because of our ability to learn and adapt from experience, this makes our system a perfect “Gamekeeper”. Everything from breathing, to opening trap doors, to summoning mutts- we are capable of doing. We’re quite infamous for helping tributes stay on the right path. You could say we’re the arena’s very own riddler.”


“Mmm yes Vi?”

“Why do we take on the image of our childish innocence?”

“Because, my dear colleague! The Hunger Games are a family friendly partaking. The kiddie image does water it down a bit.”

“Yes, because slitting a teenagers throat is child friendly . . .”

“Bwahahahahah! I couldn’t keep a straight face even if I tried. Who cares. At least we’re cute.

“Yes, you are quite cute.”

” . . . Stop.”

Image result for Miles brown  Image result for megan charpentier


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